Frequently Asked Questions
Waxing FAQs
Got questions about waxing? Look no further! At Wax Shack, we’ve got you covered with our comprehensive FAQs. Whether you’re a first-timer or a waxing pro, our answers will provide you with all the information you need. From pre-waxing preparations to aftercare tips, we’ve got it all covered. Discover the secrets to a smooth and flawless waxing experience. Don’t hesitate, book your wax with us today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Waxing FAQs
Got questions about waxing? Look no further! At Wax Shack, we’ve got you covered with our comprehensive FAQs. Whether you’re a first-timer or a waxing pro, our answers will provide you with all the information you need. From pre-waxing preparations to aftercare tips, we’ve got it all covered. Discover the secrets to a smooth and flawless waxing experience. Don’t hesitate, book your wax with us today!
General Waxing FAQs
Why choose Wax Shack?
Waxing is ALL we do! We pride ourselves on being a waxing-only boutique; were not a one-stop-shop for self-care. We believe that waxing is a service that you don’t want to leave to just anyone, especially someone that doesn’t do this on a regular basis. We’re also very friendly and completely non-judgmental. While getting waxed, we’ll engage you in all kinds of fun conversations to keep your mind off the waxing. We love to laugh, share stories, and catch up with you about what is going on in your life.
How long does my hair need to be?
At least 1/4 inch, or the length of a piece of rice. To expand on that, at least 1/4 inch or 3-4 weeks since the last time you’ve shaved. If you haven’t, in-grown hairs will most likely occur after your waxing. And we want this to be the best experience for you and for you to be happy.
Can I wax, even if it’s “that time of the month?”
We’re happy to do waxing if you would like it at this time. We are not embarrassed by this at all! If you decide to get waxed while on your cycle, we only require that you wear a tampon or a menstrual cup. Please keep in mind it might be more sensitive for you during this time. We suggest that you get plenty of sleep the night before and be sure to eat in the morning. Taking ibuprofen prior to your waxing appointment will help ease the pain and decrease redness.
How should I prepare for a wax?
Be clean. Come freshly showered. Be dry. Cleanliness is appreciated, but please skip the lotion, you’ll get better results if your skin is less oily. Be hairy. Your hair should be at least 1/4 inch in length (which makes it long enough to lay flat on your skin). Please don’t shave for at least 3 weeks prior to your appointment to ensure that your hair is long enough! Also, if you’ve “let it go” down there and it seems out of control, don’t worry! Our specialists will take care of any necessary preparation before the removal process.
Is it going to hurt?
It’s not as bad as you think it’s going to be! It will hurt more the first time than any other time because you are pulling out 100% of the hair. Your nerves are on edge, and you don’t know what to expect. But it is a quick sting that stops hurting almost immediately after. And it gets easier! The more you do it, the more consistent you are, the more tolerable it becomes. Keep at it!
Is all of the hair going to be gone?
Hair grows in 3 stages and it can take up to 4 waxing treatments before all of the hair is on the same growth cycle, thus all come out together. Your first wax may not remove all the hair, it may last only 1 week, or it may last up to 3—it just depends on your genetics, how recently and often you’ve shaved, and how well you do at preparing the skin before the wax and taking care of the skin between your treatments. Don’t be discouraged if your hair doesn’t stay gone too long the first few times. The more you wax the longer it will last. However, if your last hair removal was shaving, your first wax post-shaving will not last as long. Please don’t shave in between waxing appointments!
How long will my wax last?
Your rate of hair growth is unique to you, which can be anywhere from 10 days to 3 weeks. For some lucky folks, it can be longer than that!
How often do I need to wax?
We recommend waxing every four to six weeks. In order to keep the hair coming in at a reduced rate, it’s best not to go past six weeks before your next wax.
Will it always hurt?
If you follow a recommended schedule, by your second waxing treatment you will be much happier and as close to a pain-free wax as possible!
Post-Wax FAQs
For 24 hours after any waxing or until all redness has subsided, what should I do?
- Avoid prolonged sun exposure.
- Avoid deodorant for underarm waxing.
- Avoid cosmetics & perfumes for facial waxing.
- Avoid chemical peels for one week after wax.
- Avoid exercise as sweating and oils can clog pores and disrupt the healing process.
- Take only lukewarm showers as heat can cause more irritation to the already sensitive skin.
- For any bikini waxing, no heavy petting until the redness subsides. Friction causes irritation and inflammation – and that isn't sexy.
What should I do between waxes regarding skincare maintenance & ingrown hairs?
It is not enough to simply come in once a month for your wax – it is essential that you take proper at-home care of your skin to keep it looking blemish, redness, and ingrown hair-free. And fabulously fancy. Exfoliation is key!
How can I get the best long-term results?
TIMING! TIMING! TIMING! Because of the essential timing in getting the hair to grow back at the same rate, if you wax too early, the hair will grow back too early. Be patient! If you want your hair gone ALL the time, waxing may not be for you. There will always be a small window where your hair needs to grow out (about a week‘s worth once you’ve been waxing a while) so that the wax has something to pull.
Can I shave between waxes?
Brazilian Waxing FAQs
What is a Brazilian wax?
There are so many definitions of what a Brazilian Wax is. At Wax Shack, ALL hair is taken off from the bikini top and sides (including the treasure trail). All hair is removed from the labia area through to the butt crack. We acknowledge that not everybody wants to take everything off; some women like to leave a natural triangle or a stip. Be very specific with your esthetician as to what you want before you start your service. Want to leave more? Then request a Full Bush Brazilian where we leave a large triangle on top, but remove the hair from the bikini line, the labia, and the butt crack. Another option is to modify your Brazilian wax to a French Bikini which includes removing the hair from the sides and a little from the top and the butt crack but leaving the hair on the labia.
What type of wax do you use?
For all styles of Bikini waxing, we use a technique with both strip and hard wax. Hard wax is a strip-free wax which hardens at room temperature. As it hardens it wraps itself around the hair, not adhering to the skin, which makes for a gentler waxing experience for sensitive areas. However, you might have heard not-good things about hard wax. It is because your previous esthetician didn’t know how to use it correctly! Hard wax gets a bad rap from estheticians that think its ok to pick and pick and pick and then pick some more just to get that little corner up. At Wax Shack we know better. Hard wax is easier on the skin and without all that picking, hurts a lot less then strip.
Is it really that painful?!
I can not promise a pain-free experience... But I CAN promise that it will not be as bad as you think. 99% of our clients admit that after their wax, it was not as painful as they thought it would be. Also, the pain does not last long. There is about 20 seconds of a stinging sensation after the wax strip is removed, after that, it goes away. You will leave here in no pain.
How often do I need to come in?
For most body areas, the regrowth is pretty slow. You are usually looking at 4-6 weeks. We want to get all your hair onto a growth cycle that gives the best results so it's important not to wait too long between appointments. Just ensure that if you are used to keeping it shaven or trimmed down, we need a couple of weeks of growth.
What do I need to do before my wax?
Be sure to let the hair grow for 2-4 weeks before getting waxed. Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds 72 hours before (and after!) your appointment. Exfoliate the morning of your wax with an exfoliating cloth, or salt scrub. Use gentle circular motions against the direction of hair growth. This helps to lift the hair off the skin making the waxing treatment more effective. Do not apply a moisturizer prior to getting waxed. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants, and take ibuprofen if you’re sensitive.
What are the benefits of waxing vs. shaving?
After your first wax, your hair will be finer and more sparse than shaving regrowth, as well as easier to tolerate. Because the hair grows back finer and more sparse, you are less likely to get ingrown hairs. With shaving you cut the hair off bluntly at the thickest part, the base. This results in very coarse and uncomfortable regrowth. With waxing, because your hair has to completely regrow, it comes out fine and feathery. This is much less irritating to your skin and to the touch. In addition, with each waxing session, we will shut down a few hair follicles. Over time, fewer and fewer follicles will produce hair and the results can be permanent. YAY for less hair!!!
Men’s Waxing FAQs
Do a lot of men get waxed? What kind of men do you usually see?
YES! and ALL types. Waxing is becoming more and more popular these days and we see men in every walk of life. From the college students getting rid of some back hair before heading to the beach to the newlywed getting a full Brazilian for his wife. We see athletes such as swimmers, bikers, or wrestlers who find playing sports more comfortable after waxing. We've even had moms bringing in their teenage sons for unibrow maintenance as well as men in their 60s and 70s who want to spice things up with Brazilian waxing.
What are the most popular areas to get waxed?
Our number one men's service would be a full back wax and shoulders, a second is unibrow, and a third is the male Brazilian also known as Manzilian.
Is it really that painful, like 40 year old virgin painful?!
Don't let the famous scene in that movie scare you away. The pain is a quick burning sensation that lasts less than 20 seconds. A smooth finish will make you feel confident and 10 years younger. We are a unisex salon, so there is no reason to feel uncomfortable or nervous. We do this all the time.
How often do I need to come in?
For most body areas, the regrowth is pretty slow. You are usually looking at 4-6 weeks. We want to get all your hair onto a growth cycle that gives the best results so it's important not to wait too long between appointments. Just make sure that if you are used to keeping it shaven or trimmed down, we need a couple of weeks of growth.
What is the most painful area to get waxed?
We would have to say the chest/stomach. Mostly the chest. Unfortunately, it just happens to be very sensitive and usually pretty coarse hair. Take a couple of ibuprofen, it won't make it painless, but it sure takes the edge off.

But wait, I still have a question that I don’t see answered here!
If there is a question that is not listed here, don’t fret! We are here to help. Just shoot us an email and we’ll gladly provide you with the answers you need. At Wax Shack, we pride ourselves on exceptional service and ensuring that all your waxing concerns are addressed. So don’t hesitate to reach out, we’re more than happy to assist you on your journey to smooth, hair-free skin.